One of the greatest highlights of my career was performing with Andrea Bocelli at the Sundome Arena in 2010. It was an incredible honour to share the stage with such an extraordinary artist in front [More]
Africa by Toto – An absolute classic! But never has it been done like its done by South African superstars Juanita du Plessis, Jan Jan Jan, Franja du Plessis, Liezel Pieters and Ruan Josh. Enjoy [More]
The proceeding of this concert along with lucky draw and auction will go towards Lanelle’s operation (wife of Valiant Swart). Performed by: Anton Goosen Lise Swart Gicu Groen Akkedis Springbok Nude Girls Francois van Coke [More]
#thevoice #thevoiceSA #thevoicewinners #bestofthevoice Tasche Burger Social Media Accounts Instagram: tascheburger The Information about Tache Burger are included in the video. Please support my channel guys Thanx! Related PostsDuncan Toombs Performs John Hiatt's [More]
Colé van dais & Craig Jack Lewis Christmas care show at Krugersdorp informal settlement for Boere Community Transvaal charity. Related PostsHEMELBESEM – ROWWE JACK ft WESLEY MILLIONDOLLARS (Official Music Video)Ons almal moet [More]
We can make a difference performed by Cole van dais and Sarafina Choir from Soweto, and written by Peter Greenwall. Inspiring the community to give guidance and support and inspire our youth to educate and [More]
Video footage of STRAB festival in Mozambique 2013. Song by The Lyzyrd Kyngs from the album One Night Only. Thanks to Louise Pieterse for the Editing! Piet Botha on Guitar, Arthur Dennis on Vocals and [More]
Riders From The Storm show by Storm Producionz at the Willow bridge Barnyard Theatre. Guitarists; Mel Botes, Piet Botha, Valiant Swart, Albert Frost, Nathan Smith, Arthur Dennis. On Keyboard; Simon Orange. Schalk vd Merwe on [More]
Etienne Steyn, and Afrikaans singer from South Africa, has been performing for a number of years, but only released his debut CD “Storie van my hart” through Aka Records in 2005. This album was also [More]
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A stunning song by Danie Niehaus!! This should be the played as an Anthem just before the South African Springboks play their matches. Related PostsMartin Bester – Forever Summer (Official Music Video)Listen to 'Forever Summer' [More]
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(South Africa) Enjoy popular music from around the globe with pictures. Related PostsJakkie Louw – Ek en Jy en 'n Bottel TasGeniet Jakkie Louw se visualiser vir "Ek en ... Jakkie Louw – DonkieGeniet Jakkie [More]