Die #liedjieboerlockdown2020 “singer- songwriter-reeks” vervolg. Hierdie opnames van liedjies wat ek geskryf het, maar grootliks nooit self opgeneem het word sommer so by die huis gemaak. Onthou ook van ons ‘aanlyn hoed’ vir contributions: https://tickets.tixsa.co.za/event/anton-goosen-you-tube-singer-songwriter-reeks2 [More]
Dit wil vir my voorkom asof gisteraand se speech net ’n mooi manier was om te sê dat die Lockdown verleng word. Slegte nuus vir enige een in die vermaak bedryf. Dag 29, ’n song [More]
#juanita #lyrics Segmen video 00.00 JUANITA DU PLESSIS Best Song Collection (Onthou My ) LYRICS DAN TEKS TERJEMAHAN BAHASA INDONESIA 03.57 Jou Skaduwee 07.37 Lepelle 10.30 Dis Waar Ek Wil Wees 13.32 Tussen Woorde 17.31 [More]
Provided to YouTube by CDBaby Onthou · Gert Koevert Anderkant Die Highway ? 2018 Gert Koevert Released on: 2018-09-21 Auto-generated by YouTube.
Provided to YouTube by WM South Africa Vergeet Om My Te Vergeet (Onthou Om Te Onthou) · Laurika Rauch Debuut ? 1979 Laurika Rauch Produksies (EDMS) BPK Vocals: Laurika Rauch Composer: Anton Goosen Auto-generated by [More]
Provided to YouTube by The state51 Conspiracy Ek Sal Onthou · Amanda Luyt As Jy Aan Eendag Glo ? 2019 CTSOriginal Released on: 2019-10-30 Composer: Franna Benade Lyricist: Franna Benade Music Publisher: SAMRO Auto-generated by [More]
Wynand & Lindi van Anders praat oor hul nuwe album wat uitkom Sept 2015 en wys jou bietjie agter die skerms beeld van hoe hul te werk gegaan het. http://www.andersorkes.co.za http://www.twitter.com/anders_orkes http://www.facebook.com/andersorkes Related PostsJy maak [More]
Provided to YouTube by DistroKid Sal Jy Onthou · Nianell Life’s Gift ? 2417254 Records DK Released on: 2006-03-24 Auto-generated by YouTube.
Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group Vergeet Om My Te Vergeet / Onthou Om Te Onthou · Laurika Rauch Debuut ? 1979 Laurika Rauch Produksies Edms Bpk Released on: 1979-01-15 Producer: Coleske Composer Lyricist: [More]
Provided to YouTube by Select Sal Jy My onthou · Andriëtte Wat Rym Met Liefde ? 2013 SME Africa (Pty) Ltd Released on: 2013-10-25 Composer, Lyricist: Helmut Meijer Composer, Lyricist: Andriette Norman Auto-generated by YouTube.
Stream nou – https://orcd.co/4z3wjwq Subscribe and ring the bel to get notified for new Uploads YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiqlpt8cj9GuNwBOZl729dQ Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/theunsjordaanpage/ Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/theunsjordaan/ #JuanitaDuPlessis #HartVolDrome Related PostsFranja du Plessis – Los Jou Hart (Audio)'Los [More]
WG NEL: Kan nie onthou Video: Gemsbok productions Bookings: wgnel@live.co.za Sponsored: GemsbokLife
Download the album Onthou My on iTunes: smarturl.it/OnthouMy www.maniejackson.co.za https://www.facebook.com/pages/Manie-Jackson-fan-page/143626159033190 https://twitter.com/maniejackson Related PostsManie Jackson – Waarom Het Jy Nie Nee Gesê? (Official Lyric Video)Music video by Manie Jackson performing ... MOCKINGBIRD SONG – MANIE JACKSON [More]
Juan Boucher se nuwe enkelsnit “Onthou Jy Om Jonk”. Kry Juan Boucher se album “Onthou Jy Om Jonk Is” op iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/za/album/onthou-jy-om-jonk/1327236584 Volg Juan Boucher: Facebook: http://goo.gl/90PsyS Twitter :http://goo.gl/svOj5E Besprekings: Denise – juanboucher@vonk.co.za Media Navrae: [More]
Totally live and unplugged version of my song Ek Onthou. www.liezelmarshall.com
SA’s se eie Johnny & June is terug met ‘n splinternuwe album – So onthou ons…The Highwaymen. Wynand & Cheree gee hulde aan 4 van Country Musiek se grootste geeste, Johnny Cash, Kris Kristofferson, Waylon [More]
Manie Jackson “Onthou My”, vanaf die album “Onthou My” wat in 2014 vrygestel is handel oor herhinderinge van geluk en vreugde van ‘n paartjie wie se paaie weens omstandighede maar net uitmekaar uitbly, maar die [More]
Anders se eerste enkelsnit vanaf hul nuutste album #Ek Onthou. Musiek video vervaardig deur: André Velts Musiek vervaardig deur: Wynand Delport Finale Meng: Stefan Swart http://www.andersorkes.co.za http://www.facebook.com/andersorkes http://www.twitter.com/anders_orkes Related PostsWANT AS EK DROOM – Karen [More]
‘n Gedeelte van Dusty Dixon se musiekvideo: KAN JY ONTHOU, die eerste enkelsnit van sy nuwe album, ROMEO & JULIET, wat binnekort deur Sony Music Entertainmen… Related PostsDie Verloorder – Teaser Trailer.m4vTeaser trailer for the [More]
Christiaan Kritzinger ft Moniqe Foxx ” EK ONTHOU ” duet song available on CK’s newest album “Mal vir jou”. Look out for the music video soon. Find details ab… Related PostsAmira Willighagen duet with Ruhan [More]
2011 – Oppad na jou. Related PostsElizma Theron – Man so na my hart (Official Audio)Music video by Elizma Theron performing Man ... Elizma Theron – Ek Wil Huil as Dit ReenMusic video by Elizma [More]
51165 hits on Youtube before opening of this channel. Related PostsHier en Nou | Candy Benson | Official Music VideoHier en Nou | Candy Benson | Official Music ... Brendan Peyper – Kyk (Official Music [More]